Rubic Yearly Report 2023

Let’s highlight Rubic’s achievements throughout 2023! 2023 was an outstanding year for Rubic, marked by substantial growth in many areas! We added 44 new chains, including non-EVM & L2 chains, expanding our reach! Our user base surged to over 232K wallets, a whopping 311% increase from the previous year. User activity was remarkable, reaching 423,014 Total Transactions, reflecting a substantial 115% increase. On-Chain ...

Rubic Weekly Report 02/01/2024

Hello, Rubic Fam! Let's rejoice in our weekly achievements together! Explore the highlights below! Summary: 🚀 ODOS DEX Integration 🌉 Symbiosis Bridge To BTC 💥 Blast Testnet Integration 🎉 ZetaChain Mainnet Integration 💥 ZetaChain Galxe Promotion Development  ODOS Dex Aggregator Integration Update  Introducing Odos DEX Aggregator, the latest addition to the Rubic family! 💚 Odos, one of the biggest DEX aggregators, brings enhanced routing options to ...

How to Swap Using Rubic’s Contracts

Hello, Rubicans! Here are tips which will help you understand the list of networks under Rubic’s contracts and how you can check if they’re being used while you’re swapping. Rubic Contracts give our users several benefits: Swap Security: Thanks to multiple providers, Rubic executes swaps and aggregates liquidity even if some providers stop operating, run out of liquidity, or ...

Berachain Airdrop: All You Need to Know

Rubic, a Cross-Chain Tech Aggregator, is always keeping up with the latest innovations in the blockchain space. In line with our commitment to exploring new possibilities, Rubic recently integrated the Berachain testnet. This move comes as Berachain gains attention for its potential to emerge as a leading chain in the Cosmos ecosystem. In this article, we’ll ...

RBC Retrodrop for OG Holders

Rubicans, Rubichads, and Rubic Rangers, your ship has come in! Following the structure of Rubic’s new tokenomics, the Rubic team is excited to unveil the much-anticipated RBC Retrodrop, a token distribution event that rewards our holders for their unwavering loyalty. Let us outline the rules and guidelines of this retrodrop’s distribution, providing clarity on eligibility, holding periods, ...

Rubic Weekly Report 01/25/2024

Hey, Rubic Fam! Time to celebrate our weekly accomplishments together! Dive into the highlights below! Summary: 🌐ODOS Dex Aggregator Release Preparation! 🔄 Symbiosis Bridge To BTC 🚧 Berachain Integration 🌌 Galxe Campaign with Rubic x SyncSwap! 🚀 New SDK Integration! Development  ODOS Dex Aggregator Integration Our team is in the final stages of integrating Odos, one of the biggest DEX aggregators in terms of daily ...

Rubic Weekly Report 01/18/2024

Hello, Rubicans! How’s it going? We’ve kicked off 2024 with a flurry of activity. Let’s dive into what we’re currently working on. 🚀 Summary: 🌐 ODOS Dex Aggregator Integration 🔄 Symbiosis Integration For On-Chain Swaps 🌌 Rubic x SyncSwap Campaign On Galxe 🎥 Rubic’s YouTube Channel Update 📝 Rubic’s New Blog Development Symbiosis Integration For On-Chain Swaps We are currently in the process of integrating ...